Roman Features at Caesar’s Palace

Travi Fountain Replica at Caesar's Palace

Travi Fountain Replica at Caesar’s Palace

From the name itself you can tell what the inspiration of Caesar’s Palace is. The casino hotels at Las Vegas have their own theme going on and as far as Caesar’s Palace is concerned, the theme is ancient Rome. The designers definitely embraced the theme. I don’t think I entered the place through the front entrance. In fact, I went through the door which just happened to be near the car park. Already, there were a lot of Roman inspired designs. There were indoor fountains, statues which would remind you that you are in a modern day version of a Roman Emperor’s palace.

Atrium at the Forum Shops at Caesar's Palace

Atrium at the Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace

The Roman design seems to keep improving the more I walk around. I ended up at what I assume should have been the main entrance. There is an amazing atrium here which reminded me of a Romanesque basilica. There arches are typical of what you would see in this kind of architecture. Except that this is even fancier than what you would see in any cathedral. I don’t think giant cathedrals are are still being built these days so the ones we would see are buildings inspired by them. Outside, I was surprised to see a replica of another ancient Rome landmark – the Trevi fountain. Obviously, it doesn’t have the same soul as the original but it seems to be a pretty good replica.

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