Outside Caesar’s Palace

Entrance to Caesar's Palace

Entrance to Caesar’s Palace

All this time, I was just walking around the Forum Shops which is the retail component of the Caesar’s Palace. It was pleasant for me because it is indoors. Outdoors is a totally different matter. It was very hot outside and whatever energy I had when I was walking around the mall, was immediately sapped away by the heat. I can finally see the outside of the Caesar’s Palace. Not too far away from where I was, is the replica of the Trevi Fountain a well known landmark in Rome. From here, I can see that the Caesar’s Palace complex is huge.

Hotels at Caesar's Palace

Hotels at Caesar’s Palace

I can see the hotels of Caesar’s Palace. They also have the distinctive Roman architecture except that these are high rises. I think it looks a little weird to me to see high rise Roman buildings but I have to remind myself that this is just a place which is inspired by Roman architecture. One should not forget that they have a statue of Caesar himself at the entrance to the complex. I believe this statue is one of Julius Caesar. I know there are a lot more statues here in the complex but I think this is the most important one.

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