Going to Caesar’s Palace

The Atlantis Show at Caesar's Palace

The Atlantis Show at Caesar’s Palace

Somehow ever since I went to the West Coast I could never have the energy to last very long in the day. By the time it is dinner time, I would be so tired that I would just want to eat and go to bed. This is primarily due to the time difference. While I would still be able to hold out until late afternoon, by the time it gets dark I would really feel the time difference. I takes a while for the body to adjust to the change and I was still feeling it. I know that Las Vegas is best visited at night but I was really too tired and I just head straight to the hotel after dinner. I don’t even have the energy to take a lot of photos because of this. Hopefully, the next day would be better.

Inside Caesar's Palace

Inside Caesar’s Palace

The next day, I got out early so I would be able to head off any jet lag that I would feel later in the day. I decided to visit the strip at which is in another part of town. I thought to drive to one of the hotels and then I would park and start exploring. I chose to first go to Caesar’s Palace. There is a free car park there but it was a little awkward to get to. I realized that a lot of the hotels here would have parking too so I don’t have to spend too much effort to walk all the way to the car park. Alternatively, I could have taken the bus to avoid the hassle of worrying about the car.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Caesar’sPalace.kmz} zoom=19]