Hiking the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Just Another Stunning View of the Grand Canyon from the South Rim

Just Another Stunning View of the Grand Canyon from the South Rim

I was simply amazed at the view from Mather Point. It is the view point which is closest the Grand Canyon Visitor Center at the South Rim and as you might expect, there were a lot of people here. There is, however, a lot of room to spread people around. Most people would end up at the visitor center and it is not surprising that there were a lot of people here. From Mather Point, there is a path which lets people hike around the South Rim or at least a very small part of it. Even though it was very warm for me, I thought it would be a great experience to hike around for a little bit. The path is actually well worn and even beginners won’t have any issue walking here. The path is also relatively flat, which also makes it good for people who want to cycle through the trail.

Busy Viewing Area at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Busy Viewing Area at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

One doesn’t need to stick to the path all the way. In fact, there would be numerous side trails which can bring you to some interesting spots. The main path itself is far enough from the edge that there isn’t really any danger of falling but if you want to get a little closer to the edge, you would need to get off the main path. You can see that there are smaller trails from people who have explored these areas and I would follow them some times and be surprised with another astounding view point. You can actually sit by the ledge if you want but I was too afraid to do so. You can see that over time, there would be parts of the canyon walls which may collapse. This includes parts which are near the main path. Of course, park management would ensure to prevent access to parts of the canyon wall that is in danger of collapsing.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/GrandCanyonSouthRim.kmz} zoom=19]