Beacon Hill

Entrance to an Apartment Block at Beacon Hill

Entrance to an Apartment Block at Beacon Hill

I had a look at a list of interesting places to see in the city of Boston and one of the places that was mentioned is Beacon Hill. I was already at the Boston Common area and it seems that Beacon Hill is just a short walk away. Actually the area where the Massachusetts State House is already Beacon Hill. However, it is recommended that visitors have a walk around this general area. So I did. It is a refreshing change because the sun is out and it was so warm. I was still acclimatizing to the weather here and I could use some shade.

Ivy Covered House at Beacon Hill

Ivy Covered House at Beacon Hill

Immediately, I can feel that the area seems to be a little different. The houses here seems nice and there are trees which line the street. It is not that Downtown Boston is not nice, but I have been to other parts of the city which aren’t as nice. I can see that Beacon Hill is different. Indeed, it is considered as one of the most expensive places to live in Boston. The name, as you might expect, comes from a beacon which used to be here. The beacon was used to warn people of invaders. These days, it is more for wealthy people to live in. Most of these places are still apartments, and personally, I would like to have a house instead. This would mean living much further away from the city.

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