Boston City Hall

Boston City Hall

Boston City Hall

I know that I don’t really fancy exploring cities. Sometimes I feel like there isn’t much to see here. I think I am already feeling it. A lot of the places that I am seeing are historically important but so far they haven’t been all the impressive to me. I know how important they are but these are places which I probably won’t go back to. I was making my way through the city and somehow ended up going towards the sea. That is when I saw one of the more significant structures in the city and that is the Boston City Hall.

Walking to Boston City Hall

Walking to Boston City Hall

It is not easy to miss Boston City Hall. It has a very distinctive architecture almost like an upside down pyramid with the supports all exposed. This type of architecture is called brutalist architecture. Immediately, I know that I am not a fan of this style, however, it seems the it was loved by architects but loathed by everyone else. This was built at a time when building monuments was seen as a good thing. So the city hall was designed to be a monument. The city hall has quite a lot of open space around it and you can see people just sitting around here. Parts are sheltered by the nearby buildings and by the city hall itself that I think I should do the same thing.

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