Gallery of Francis I

Gallery of Francis I

Gallery of Francis I

The royals of France really like their houses. You can plainly see that in the Chateau de Fontainebleau. I have yet to see a room which is even close to modern day standards of normal. It is not surprising though. The kings and emperors would have visitors from all over Europe and they certainly know how to impress them. Of course, these visitors would also be their fellow royals so you can’t just have any room set up for them. It is such that even the connecting halls between apartments would also be richly decorated. The Gallery of Francis I is one such example.

Gallery of Francis I at Chateau de Fontainebleau

Gallery of Francis I at Chateau de Fontainebleau

This is actually just a place to pass through between apartments but being a palace, this can’t be. Italian artists were brought here to decorate the hall over the years until it became a gallery. The result is something that reminded me a lot of the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. One major difference here is that there weren’t any mirrors. But it was long and there were paintings here on display. It seems like there are also field trips by students here that when I visited, there were a lot of students waiting. A tour guide was also tell them of what it is they are seeing. I would have wanted to listen in but I can’t understand French.

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