Exploring the Gap of Dunloe

Small Lake at the Gap of Dunloe

Small Lake at the Gap of Dunloe

First things first. The Gap of Dunloe is meant to be explored on foot. The roads here are narrow and most of the time only fit one car. I wasn’t aware of this and I unwittingly drove through the gap. There were several hikers along the way so it pays to be careful if you insist on driving. If you do drive, there are little to no stopping areas along the way so you would ended just continuously driving through the gap. I think I was lucky since it was towards the end of winter so there wasn’t a lot of traiffc. This isn’t to say that there isn’t any traffic but I was able to afford to stop a few times along the way.

Small Casecades at the Gap of Dunloe

Small Casecades at the Gap of Dunloe

Most visitors would probably be coming from the opposite direction, but I don’t know what happens after they pass the gap itself. There is a lot of nothing in the Black Valley so I don’t know if it is worth continuing there. I would be stopping a few times along the way for photos but I was quite frustrated with the weather. It suddenly turned dark and gloomy when I was at the gap and I couldn’t get any decent photos. To make things worse, it started to snow. I couldn’t believe it since it was sunny earlier. By this time, I have practically given up on getting any decent photos. It probably just wasn’t my day.

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