Inside the Medina of the Kasbah of the Udayas

Viewing Platform at the Kasbah of the Udayas

Viewing Platform at the Kasbah of the Udayas

The Kasbah of the Udayas is a citadel built by the rulers of Rabat at that time. While it maybe a fortress, I realize that there is also a residential area within the kasbah as well. I can’t tell if this residential area has been there all along or just a more recent addition. Either way, it presents a different view of the kasbah. What I immediately noticed was that the walls of the residential area are colored blue. No doubt this was inspired by the blue walls of Chefchaouen and nothing can beat the original. The paint job was half-hearted too as they didn’t paint the entire building.

Residential Area of the the Kasbah of the Udayas

Residential Area of the the Kasbah of the Udayas

I went through what I would call a small medina and despite its small size, I still got lost a few times. I eventually found my way to an open platform. It is amazing how there are no signs here to point you there. Considering that this is already Rabat, the capital city, you’d think that tourist signs would be better organized. However, it seems that only I was having that problem as there were already a lot of people here on the platform. There are views of the area from here and from the looks of it, it seems to be a great spot for photos.

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