Going to the Blue City of Chefchaoen

Gate to Chefchaoen Medina

Gate to Chefchaoen Medina

I had a great nights’ rest at Hotel Al Kalaa. After almost two whole days of traveling I have finally caught up to my schedule. I had to give Tetouan a miss since I didn’t have time for it. But at least I will have some time for Chefchaoen. Unlike my normal destinations, this mountaintop town isn’t a UNESCO world heritage site. It does however, figure prominently in anything related to Morocco tourism. It isn’t exactly off the beaten track but it is remote enough to make travelers think twice on coming here. Unfortunately, for me, the weather the following day didn’t really improve. In fact, it was worse. My jacket isn’t really waterproof and it is more meant to ward off the cold rather than the rain. To be honest, I never expected to be rained out here but now that I am here, there is nothing much I can do about it.

Blue Walls of Chefchaoen

Blue Walls of Chefchaoen

The medina of Chefchaoen, or the Blue City as it is nicknamed, is not that far from the hotel. The maps on Google Maps was quite misleading since I thought I would be walking much further to get to the medina. The gate is probably just a five minute walk from the hotel. Once inside the walls then you get to experience the thrill of getting lost inside a living maze. Chefchaoen is named the Blue city for a reason, practically all of the walls of the town are painted an attractive shade of blue. However, because of this, it makes remembering where you are a fiendishly difficult task. I would probably start along the walls of the city. You should be able to see a few interesting places just by doing that. Once you are familiar enough with it then you can start going deeper into the city.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/ChefchaoenMedina.kmz} zoom=19]