Inside Saint Bonaventure Church

Inside Saint Bonaventure Church

Inside Saint Bonaventure Church

I ran into a very old looking church named Saint Bonaventure Church. It wasn’t as large as the previous two churches I have visited earlier but the exterior of the church piqued my curiosity. It seems that the church has been here since the 14th century and although it has gone through numerous renovations, it is still very much in use. I understand that this was the only structure that wasn’t demolished when a major road was constructed. Despite my misgivings about the church, I went ahead and entered the church. I was expecting some run down church but I was a bit mistaken.

Colorful Stained Glass Windows at Saint Bonaventure Church

Colorful Stained Glass Windows at Saint Bonaventure Church

Saint Bonaventure Church is a gothic church and the interior clearly represent this architectural style. It was dark inside as gothic churches tend to be. The beautiful stained glass windows let light in to great effect. The windows depict scenes from the bible. The interior of the church is a far contrast from the brightness outside. It was almost like a totally different world in here. The altar wasn’t that special perhaps only the tall stained glass windows giving it a bit more character. It was a nice change to visit this oasis in the city. It was really busy outside the church but it seems like it is very easy to get away from it all just by coming here.

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