Saint Bonaventure Church in Lyon

Entering Saint Bonaventure Church in Lyon

Entering Saint Bonaventure Church in Lyon

I didn’t really have an agenda that day. I was more randomly walking around the city of Lyon hoping to see something interesting. It is amazing what a little random walk can do. I didn’t really need to know where I was going at the time since it was still bright outside and I didn’t need to go back to the hotel yet. I ran into a very old looking church named Saint Bonaventure Church. This church is quite unlike the churches I have seen here. This one is actually small and much more modest than the grand basilicas I have seen. There was some restoration being done on the church at the time and I can’t blame them. The church looks like it is about to fall apart.

Saint Bonaventure Church in Lyon

Saint Bonaventure Church in Lyon

What I didn’t know was how old it really was. The church was completed in the 14th century but it has gone through numerous restorations over the centuries. This also means that the city of Lyon already reached all the way here back then. It is interesting to know that some cities are already that well developed even back when some countries weren’t even born yet. Part of me doesn’t want to go in the church since it appears to be poorly maintained, maybe it won’t be that nice. I went in anyway, since I was already there.

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