Saint Florian’s Church

Saint Florian's Church in Krakow

Saint Florian’s Church in Krakow

I somehow made my way out of the old town of Krakow. There were city walls which surround the old town and it was almost a surprise to be out of the town. Of course there were still buildings here and I think they look just as nice. There are a few notable buildings here starting with the imposing office of the PKP which is a Polish railway company. There was a small plaza here where the buildings are built around and it would not be surprising to know that this used to be part of another medieval town of Kleparz which is now part of modern day Krakow.

Inside Saint Florian's Church in Krakow

Inside Saint Florian’s Church in Krakow

Another notable building here is the Church of Saint Florian. Now, this is the second time I have heard of this Saint Florian, the first time was the name of the gate I just got out from, so I had to look it up. It seems the Saint Florian is the patron saint of Poland. It is strange because, Saint Florian had nothing to do with Poland. His relics were said to have been brought here by cart when the relics became too heavy to carry. It was decided that a church be built on the site of where the relics refused to move. That church became modern day Saint Forlian’s Church.

There were the requisite burning down of the church over the centuries so it was rebuilt several times. The modern day structure is said to be baroque in design. There was a service at the time of my visit so I wasn’t able to take photos of the inside of the church. I just had a look and I was on my way.

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