Saint Mary’s Basilica at Night

Saint Mary's Basilica in Krakow

Saint Mary’s Basilica in Krakow

The sun has already gone down but the lights of Krakow have gone up. Most of the major buildings in Krakow have been lit up and really look very elegant. One of the most important structures here in the square is the Saint Mary’s Basilica. It is a brick church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. I still have trouble using the title of Saint for the Blessed Virgin Mary but it seems to be quite common here in this part of the world. It is said that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the first among all the saints which probably explains why I am not used to it.

Saint Mary's Basilica in Krakow at Night

Saint Mary’s Basilica in Krakow at Night

The basilica is magnificent at night. The two towers right into the night but spotlights makes sure you can see it. It tried going in and the service was already finished unfortunately, there was a sign which forbids taking photos inside the church. That was too bad since the inside of the church was really special. It is probably for the better since it would force people to come and visit this church. There is a regular trumpet call at one of the windows of the church. I happened to be there when it was being played and it was amazing. It is nice that his sort of thing continues to be played well into the information age.

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