Going to Kenmare

Food Sold at the Street Market at Kenmare

Food Sold at the Street Market at Kenmare

I only had that morning to spare for Cork and I had to leave to move on to the next county. I remember the owner of the bed and breakfast advised me to drop by the town of Kinsale. It seems that is a nice place and a great place to have lunch. However, looking at the map, I don’t think I can visit Kinsale and continue on to the next county. At least I think it would have been too difficult to enjoy the drive. I decided to forego Kinsale and instead continue on to county Kerry. Fortunately, the road to county Kerry was pretty straightforward. There was no motorway going to Kerry but the roads were large enough.

Colorful Street Market at Kenmare

Colorful Street Market at Kenmare

I imagined that I would be taking much longer to get there but I arrived in the town of Kenmare around noon time. I could immediately see that the town looks very festive. Kerry has a very well developed tourist infrastructure so it wasn’t really a surprise for me to see how pretty Kenmare was. Their main street was very busy and it had restaurants and hotels along this strip. I was almost sorry to not be able to stay here that long. I had a quick lunch at a local restaurant which wasn’t really that special. I have some spare time and I hope that Kenmare has more to offer.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/KenmareStoneCircle.kmz} zoom=19]