Blarney House

Blarney House at Blarney Castle

Blarney House at Blarney Castle

One would probably think that I would be nice to be able to live inside a castle. Certainly, there are a lot of very nice castle which would be very nice places of abode. Blarney Castle doesn’t seem to be a place which is very comfortable. These types of castles tend to be more like fortresses then residences. Windows tend to be very small and I would imagine they can be quite depressing. It is thus no surprise that the people who lived in the castle decided to built a mansion nearby. I wouldn’t blame them since all that stone can be very depressing.

Close up of Blarney House

Close up of Blarney House

The Blarney House is a short walk away from the castle. There is a fair bit of gardens here and it is very nice for a morning stroll. I remember seeing the house from afar and I thought it would be nice to visit. I remember that entering the house requires a separate ticket and you have to include that when you purchase tickets at the entrance. I wasn’t really interested in the house, besides, it wasn’t open when I passed by. I didn’t have time to wait for it so i just took photos of it and left. The house looks more like a fairy tail castle than the Blarney Castle but it wasn’t as large as a castle.

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