Rock Close

Druid's Cave at Rock Close

Druid’s Cave at Rock Close

I was surprised at how large the grounds of Blarney Castle actually were. It was a short walk from Blarney Castle to the Blarney House, but it seems that there was still more to this place. The gardens here were pretty vast and it is effectively a park. I find it nice that there was distinct sections of the gardens. I came across this sign pointing to Rock Close. It seemed that there were something interesting here. It reminds me of some Chinese garden where there are a lot of large rocks, however this one was an Irish garden.

Large Rock at the Rock Close in Blarney Castle

Large Rock at the Rock Close in Blarney Castle

What struck me was how quiet it was. It had that mystical feel to it and it is not really that far off. There were features in the Rock Close which point to the mystical realm. Places like the druids cave seem to have come from a Tolkien book. I admit I don’t know much about these figures, all I know is that I have seen these names in video games. It is not hard to see why these places came to associate with these figures. A hole near a tree has become a cave for a druid or a witch. I thought this was going to be a boring stroll but it is surprisingly interesting.

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