Going to Blarney Castle

Stream at Blarney Castle

Stream at Blarney Castle

I had a wonderful nights sleep at the Olde House bed and breakfast in Cork City. I had a better breakfast prepared by the wonderful owner of the place. I was recommended to visit a few places in Cork but I wasn’t sure I had the time for that. I have to leave early to be able to know if I could make it or not. I didn’t really too much research on Cork, I do know there are a few castles here but I won’t be able to visit all of them. I do have plans to visit the most famous one of them. It is actually not in the city itself but outside.

Walking Around the Grounds of Blarney Castle

Walking Around the Grounds of Blarney Castle

I decided that I won’t be able to visit any sights in Cork with the limited time that I have. I know. I didn’t really stay too long in one place. However, I think I should visit Cork properly the next time. It is quite far from where I live so coming here would take a bit of time. My first port of call here would be Blarney Castle. The trick here is that I need to avoid the city center where all the traffic is. It is actually not that far from the bed and breakfast. It does seem that I needed to cross a mountain to get there though, since there was a lot of climbing involved. The Blarney Castle is one of Ireland’s most famous destinations, I hope that I got there early enough.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BlarneyCastle.kmz} zoom=19]