Saint Dominic’s Abbey

Window of Saint Dominic's Abbey in Cashel

Window of Saint Dominic’s Abbey in Cashel

Now that I was finally done with the Rock of Cashel, it was time to check out other places here. Cashel isn’t just about the Rock of Cashel. There are other places here worth checking out. As I was walking down the hill from the Rock of Cashel, I started making my way back to the car but I across what appears to be another set of ruins. It seems that there are other structures here apart from the ruins on top of the hill. This one in particular is the ruins of Saint Dominic’s Abbey.

Saint Dominic's Abbey in Cashel

Saint Dominic’s Abbey in Cashel

Back then, the monastic life was very much in fashion and Cashel being the seat of the king of Munster was also the side of an abbey. I was a bit surprised to see it built here in town. I would have expected it to be build in the outskirts where there were less people. Saint Dominic’s Abbey was built in 1243 and headed by Archbishop David McKelly. The ruins weren’t open to the public but one can go around the ruins and also have a peek through the gates. There isn’t really much missed by not being able to get in the ruins since there was nothing really inside. The abbey wasn’t very big and can be seen in a few minutes.

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