Thoughts on the Rock of Cashel

Looking at the Rock of Cashel

Looking at the Rock of Cashel

I never heard of the Rock of Cashel until I came to Ireland. Little did I know how much I have missed. My visit to the town of Cashel in county Tipperary was all worth it. I was blessed with good weather and it made capturing photos of the structures here much easier. Like a lot of important structures here the cathedral and the castle were all built on top of the Rock of Cashel. This made for an impressive sight as you will see a large group of structure built on top of a hill. This was symbolic and at the same strategic as it make for a good lookout point.

Shops at the Rock of Cashel

Shops at the Rock of Cashel

I loved how the ruins were preserved. The roof was certainly removed as most ruins here tend to be, this was probably because of safety concerns too. Visitors are free to move around to have a better look at the structures. Unfortunately, nothing much is left of the interior of the cathedral. There were a few spots which managed to get preserved but there were also not in very good condition. It is not really surprisingly considering how wet Ireland’s weather is. The Rock of Cashel is certainly one of the more impressive places to visit in Ireland. It is a major tourist attraction so be prepared to share it with a lot of other people.

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