Going to Waldspirale

Going to Waldspirale in Darmstadt

Going to Waldspirale in Darmstadt

I think I finished visited Darmstadt a bit early. I have finished exploring the UNESCO World Heritage site Darmstadt Artists’ Colony. I have also finished eating lunch so I have some time on my hands. I was in no hurry to get back to Frankfurt since I was already out here and it was still early anyway. Darmstadt has more than just the Artists’ Colony to see. I only found out after doing a little search online. I like interesting architecture and it seems that Darmstadt has another interesting structure in the city. I wasn’t exactly that near where I was which meant that I would need to do a bit of walking.

Looking at Waldspirale

Looking at Waldspirale

I didn’t really enjoy walking here since it was freezing at the time, otherwise it would have been fine. I needed to go to the residential areas of Darmstadt to go there. Waldspirale is some sort of landmark here in the city since the architecture is so unique. It is actually a residential building which would be a little different from what I have been seeing these past few days. I guess it makes sense the Waldspirale would be built here in Darmstadt since the city is meant to be a city of the arts. I think that this is all an effect of the presence of the artists’ colony. It only goes to show that the effect of these structures would go for years and even decades after its construction.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Waldspirale.kmz} zoom=19]