Outside the Aachen City Hall

Outside Aachen City Hall

Outside Aachen City Hall

I was actually surprised I quickly I finished my visit of the Aachen City Hall. I didn’t really find it that interesting at all. It was basically a collection of halls, most of which are empty. I thought it was underwhelming and I quickly got out of the building. It was just a side trip while I was waiting for the Aachen Cathedral to open to visitors. Maybe I did arrive too soon, even the Christmas market stalls weren’t open for business yet. It was just as well because it would be easier to take a photo of the Aachen City Hall would hundreds of people in your way.

Detail of Aachen City Hall

Detail of Aachen City Hall

I think this is one of those places that are just better photographed from the outside since now I know there isn’t anymore much to see here. The exterior really reminds me of a church, except that it isn’t. I guess I should just be glad that this place was open since there are other places here which are important but aren’t open. One of which is the Aachen Cathedral Treasury which supposedly has a lot of important artifacts which are related to Charlemagne. At least I know the cathedral will definitely open, all I need to do is wait.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/AachenCityHall.kmz} zoom=19]