Going to the Benagil Cave

Going to the Mouth of Benagil Cave

Going to the Mouth of Benagil Cave

I was liking what I was seeing here at our boat tour of the coast of the Algarve Region in Portugal. I’m not a huge fan of organized tours but I was glad that I came along for this one. Much as I like to see the coast of Algarve, you can’t see too much of it if you are on it. The only way is to get on a boat and get away from land. From the sea, you get a totally different perspective on the coast of Algarve. I think it is truly one of the more spectacular places I have seen. There is more to see though.

Approaching Benagil Cave

Approaching Benagil Cave

We came across several flyers for organized boat trips. It was a confusing mess of options and we really didn’t know what we should be going for. However, one of the places which consistently show up in the flyers is Benagil Cave. We reasoned that if they keep promoting this place in their flyers then maybe it really is that big a deal. Sure enough from the photos, it looks like an amazing place. I am not holding my breath though since the photos were taken under ideal scenarios. Surely, it can’t be that paradise where there is hardly a soul around.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BenagilCave.kmz} zoom=19]