Faro Airport

Heading Out of Faro Airport Terminal

Heading Out of Faro Airport Terminal

What might not be very apparent to my dear readers, is the fact that I, more often than not, go traveling alone. This has some plusses and minuses. You can eat whatever you want, you can go wherever you want. On the downside, you are alone. There is no one to share your food, so you can’t eat all you want. There is also no one to look after your stuff if you need to go to the bathroom for example. Anyway, this time, I would be traveling with two families. I have prepared myself for changes to my traveling habits but it is also a little different because there would be kids with us.

Inside the Faro Airport

Inside the Faro Airport

We will be taking advantage of school holidays and going to Portugal, in particular, to Faro. This region of Portugal is known as the Algarve and it is known for its beaches. I seldom go on vacation for beaches but I think this would be a nice change for me. Our port of entry would be the Faro Airport. I thought that the airport was more modern than I expected. I thought that it would be just some random regional airport, but it seems that there are a lot of flights which come here. As a result, there is a need for a larger airport. We arranged for transport to our hotel and there was a waiting area near the exit of the terminal. Soon we were on our way.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/FaroAirport.kmz} zoom=19]