Exploring the Forum at Caesar’s Palace

Fountain of the Gods at the Forum Shops at Caesar's Palace

Fountain of the Gods at the Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace

I found it interesting to see how being in Las Vegas can make you lose track of time. Because it is so warm outside, hotels would have extensive shopping malls within their premises to let visitors go around when they are not in the casinos. And because you are inside all the time, you won’t have any visual clues as to what time of the day it actually is, apart from looking at your phone or watch. For example, parts of the Forum Shops have a ceiling which features a fake sky which is purple, essentially making it dark. After a while of walking around, you’d be shocked to step outside and find out that it is actually very bright outside.

Open Plaza at the Forum Shops at Caesar's Palace

Open Plaza at the Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace

This is also common especially in casinos, where you won’t have windows to tell you what time of the day it is. I am sure that it is all meant to keep you inside the casino so you can spend more money. I believe the same idea follows for the shops, they want you to stay in the mall to keep you inside so you can spend more. Alas, a lot the shops here didn’t interest me or were just too expensive. I didn’t mind the dim lights here since it gives visitors and atmosphere you don’t see elsewhere. I don’t know other malls in Las Vegas are similarly dim but I won’t be surprised if they were.

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