View from the Carl Hayden Visitor Center

Glen Canyon Bridge from the Carl Hayden Visitor Center

Glen Canyon Bridge from the Carl Hayden Visitor Center

As far as I was concerned, the Carl Hayden Visitor Center was like a breath of fresh air. I am referring of course to the fact that it is air-conditioned. It was already very warm outside when I was visiting the Glen Canyon Dam and it wasn’t even noon yet. I got out early to hopefully avoid the worst of the heat but there is only so much this can do. It is peak summer after all and this is even worse in the desert. I was seeking refuge in the visitor center while at the same time educating myself about the Glen Canyon Dam.

Glen Canyon Dam from the Carl Hayden Visitor Center

Glen Canyon Dam from the Carl Hayden Visitor Center

There are several exhibits here at the Carl Hayden Visitor Center all talking about the benefits of the Glen Canyon Dam. That is very good, but I think what is best about this place is that you can get a very good look at the Glen Canyon Dam as well as the Glen Canyon Bridge. All of this from the air-conditioned comfort of the visitor center. The viewing area does have a very wide angle of view and you can see a lot here. To the left, you can even see part of Lake Powell. I understand that Lake Powell is much larger than what I am seeing, hopefully, I will be able to see other parts of it as I further explore the area.

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