Point Imperial

View from Point Imperial

View from Point Imperial

Point Imperial is one of the well known viewpoints at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It is a good distance from the North Rim itself and it looks at a different part of the Grand Canyon. When you get to Point Imperial, you would be greeted by a sign which tells you the elevation of the area – 8803. That is 8803 feet above sea level. This is the highest point in the entire Grand Canyon. That’s almost 1500 feet more than the highest point of the South Rim which is Navajo Point. I thought it was interesting to see sure a large difference in height between the two rims.

Looking Back the Northern Canyon at Point Imperial

Looking Back the Northern Canyon at Point Imperial

The view from Point Imperial is basically a list of places that pass through earlier – Marble Canyon, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument and even the Lees Ferry. The Lees Ferry is considered to be the start of the Grand Canyon. Obviously it would be impossible to see it from here since it is too far away. I think Point Imperial will be the last point I would be visiting here at the North Rim. It takes too much time to get here and I don’t want to be driving in the dark. There is still a two and a half hour drive ahead of me so I think I need to get moving.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PointImperial.kmz} zoom=19]