Going to Cape Royal

View from Cape Royal

View from Cape Royal

I was surprised to see that there is a natural arch here at Cape Royal. It is actually a side destination at Cape Royal. The path actually splits, visitors can first visit Angel’s Window before finally heading to the actual Cape Royal. It is only a short walk away so it is worth visiting. Looking at these amazing scenery can make you a little numb to it. I have been seeing this scenery for two days now and they are starting to look alike. If someone shows me a photo of someplace in the Grand Canyon, I would struggle to figure out exactly where it is. It is hard to remember because there aren’t any real landmarks.

Cape Royal at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

Cape Royal at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

Cape Royal is one of the popular places to visit here in the North Rim. I can tell because there is a large car park here seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Cape Royal is actually at the end of the road and it faces the South Rim. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to tell exactly where the visitor center in the South Rim is. The canyon is that wide that it is difficult to see the other side. Besides, the other totally looks like everything else. Perhaps having a pair of binoculars would help find the South Rim.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/CapeRoyal.kmz} zoom=19]