Going to Bright Angel Point

Walking to Bright Angel Point

Walking to Bright Angel Point

The view from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is certainly just as good at the one from the South Rim. There is the added benefit of not having as many people here compared to the opposite side. I can’t really tell if there is a huge difference between the view of one side versus the other side. All I know is both look great and that is probably all that matters. The main viewpoint at the North Rim was great. There weren’t too many people and what people were there were very respectful. I like how people would line up to take photos. Of course, there would be those that would take forever to take their photos much to everyone’s chagrin. You know what people are thinking but no one is saying anything. When my turn came, I took my photos and shot in rapid succession. There were also people who noticed that I was traveling alone and offered to take my photo for me. I thought that was so nice.

Trail to Bright Angel Point

Trail to Bright Angel Point

This viewpoint is not the only one in the vicinity though. There was a sign for Bright Angel Point which is one of the main points here in the North Rim. I thought the name sounded familiar but I think I saw the name at the South Rim. There was a trail which is named Bright Angel Trail. I don’t think it has anything to do with Bright Angel Point apart from it being in the Grand Canyon. There is a path which follows the top of a finger of the canyon. There are a lot of these in the Grand Canyon and it can be quite exhilarating to walk on them.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/BrightAngelPoint.kmz} zoom=19]