Going to Lowell Observatory

Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff

Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff

I may seem that I have arrived in Flagstaff a bit too late to go sightseeing. I spent most of the afternoon driving from Las Vegas to Flagstaff in the state of Arizona. The plan was to stay just a night here and continue on. By the time I arrived in Flagstaff, it was already dinner time. I had a great meal at nearby Agave Mexican but by the time I was finished, I was already very tired and feeling the cumulative effects of two time zone changes. Should I head straight to bed? I know that there was a significant landmark here in Flagstaff and I only knew about it because I read about it when I was a kid.

Approaching the Lowell Observatory

Approaching the Lowell Observatory

Lowell Observatory is an astronomical observatory from where the former planet Pluto was discovered. I don’t even know how I still remember that Lowell Observatory was in Flagstaff but it is great that I just so happened to be here. Fortunately, Flagstaff isn’t that big of a city and the Observatory was actually near where I was staying, albeit I still needed to drive. It was only eight minutes away from me so I thought to just make a go for it. The observatory is naturally built on top of a mountain. Flagstaff itself is already on a plateau but you’d want the observatory to be as high as possible. It is built on a quiet part of the city, perhaps they just built Flagstaff around the observatory since light pollution would be bad for astronomical observations. The road to the observatory was dark but at least I would not be pressured to be driving fast in the dark.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/LowellObservatory.kmz} zoom=19]