Trinity Church Boston

Trinity Church in Boston

Trinity Church in Boston

I had a very nice dinner at Gourmet China House. I probably ate more than I should but I was just craving to something other than steak or lobster. Sometimes simpler food is better. After all that food, I needed to walk off that meal. It was summer and the sun goes down much later in the day. It is not that obvious but it is already past seven in the evening. It also helps that the skies were very clear so I knew I had to head out. One of the places which caught my eye in photos was Copley Square. It seems that I wasn’t that far from the square so I thought to just go for it.

Trinity Church at Copley Square

Trinity Church at Copley Square

Copley Square is a lovely square in Boston. Back then it was known as Art Square because of the various art that was here before. It is named after John Copley, a painter born in Massachusetts. Now, this place is historic square which is surrounded by several historical buildings. One of the more significant buildings here in Copley Square is Trinity Church. The church is probably one of the most European of the churches that I have seen so far. It was built in 1877 and the bottom half has a Romanesque style. The upper half is a little different with Romanesque but without the signature domes. Instead there are castle-like towers. The church stands proud in the square among the more modern buildings here in Boston.

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