North Market

North Market in Boston

North Market in Boston

I stumbled into one of Boston’s most famous location – Quincy Market. This used to be an old market place complex composed of several buildings. These days, the market is all gone but they are now replaced by numerous food stalls, just like a food court. I thought it was a great idea to turn this place into a food court since it gives people an affordable place to purchase food while they were on their way to the waterfront. The activity here at the complex isn’t just limited to the Quincy Market itself but there are also other buildings apart from it.

North Market Building at the Faneuil Marketplace Complex

North Market Building at the Faneuil Marketplace Complex

North Market is one of the buildings here in the market place complex and it appears to be less quiet compared to the nearby Quincy Market which sucks in all the visitors through its food court. I was not surprised to know that North Market isn’t a food place but it is more a place for shopping. There are numerous brand name stores here. I think it is a nice place to walk around because you have easy access to food here with Quincy Market nearby. There is an identical South Market which is also host to a lot of other shops here. I really like what they did here with the marketplace complex. It makes it a pleasure to walk around the area.

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