Walking Back to the Giant’s Causeway Visitor Center

Amazing Cliff Scenery at the Giant's Causeway

Amazing Cliff Scenery at the Giant’s Causeway

The Shepherd’s Path at the Giant’s Causeway is a nice little hike which brings you to the ridge behind the Giant’s Causeway and then back to the visitor’s center. Apart from being a hike, it also affords people splendid views of the surrounding area. I know that the coast of this part of the area is very picturesque but it is even more so when you go to higher ground and see it from above. I always find scenery like this very breathtaking. Even more so than merely going near the water and appreciating the crashing waves there. The island of Ireland has a lot of these types of places but this part of the island has got to be one of the more impressive ones.

The Actual Giant's Causeway is on the Right

The Actual Giant’s Causeway is on the Right

Once visitors reach the top of the Shepherd’s Path, they can start walking back to the visitor center. It may not look like the path is going anywhere but just follow it. The path also has several spots where visitors can take a peek at the amazing coastline below. You can realize how high up you really are since you can see the path which most visitors take to see the Giant’s Causeway. You, of course, can see the actual Giant’s Causeway and all the people there. Looking at it from above, it doesn’t really look that impressive compared to the rest of the coast scenery here. It just goes to show you that there is more to the Giant’s Causeway than just the hexagonal rocks.

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