Sunset at Montmartre

Sunset Over Paris

Sunset Over Paris

I visited the Saint-Pierre de Montmartre which looks over Paris from Montmartre. I knew that this place is famous place, especially the church which I have just visited. However, I can’t help but feel underwhelmed. The church didn’t seem to look like how it did in the photos and I was left wondering about that. While I was outside, I noticed that there were a crowd of people near the fence. They were getting excited for something beyond the fence. Then I noticed that tit was apparently already sunset and the skies were clear that day.

View of Sunset from Montmartre

View of Sunset from Montmartre

I started to feel sorry for myself that I didn’t bring my telephoto lens which would have given me a great shot of the setting sun. You can clearly see the sun in the distance and it was really a nice view. It is seldom that I get to come to Paris and it even less seldom that I would get such a clear view of the sunset. You can see people with their cameras and photos all angling to get a photo of the sunset. It was difficult because there isn’t a lot of space to be able to properly see the scene. This also reminds me to hurry up. With the sun going down, there would be less light as the sun goes down even further.

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