Walking Around Chartres

Closer Look at Médiathèque L'Apostrophe in Chartres

Closer Look at Médiathèque L’Apostrophe in Chartres

I was a bit disappointed with my lunch at Chartres. I didn’t think it was anything special even if there were a lot of people eating there. I thought that was a sure sign that it would be a good choice. Perhaps I didn’t get the right thing. Anyway, I decided to head back to Paris but my train ride isn’t for another hour. This gave me a little time to have a look at Chartres. I know I won’t be seeing all of Chartres but rather the area where the train station is. Hopefully, this would give me an idea of what Chartres is like. Already I can see signs which promote other places within Chartres apart from their famous cathedral.

Médiathèque L'Apostrophe in Chartres

Médiathèque L’Apostrophe in Chartres

The town seems to be pleasant enough and I thought it was a good commuting distance from Paris. Perhaps rents would be much cheaper here. But it is not like I would be moving here. Walking around the train station area, I saw some interesting buildings which I saw earlier in the day. The building has a Renaissance design which is reminiscent of the palace of Versailles. I thought it was a palace but it turned out to be a library. How many libraries do you have that look like a palace.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/MédiathèqueL’Apostrophe.kmz} zoom=19]