Gallery of Diana

Gallery of Diana at the Chateau de Fontainebleau

Gallery of Diana at the Chateau de Fontainebleau

The Chateau de Fontainebleau is everything I thought it would be. It was room after room of beautifully designed apartments fit for kings. I would imagine that kings would be living in castles just like in fairy tales but there are kings who build palaces like these – long and sprawling. The Chateau de Fontainebleau was built over the years. You can see how some of the wings we done rather haphazardly. I don’t know how many people would be staying in here at a time to warrant a place as large as this. If I were a visitor here in the palace, I would be impressed but I would get lost trying to find my way around. Maybe that is why the palace is shaped the way it is.

Going to the Gallery of Diana

Going to the Gallery of Diana

Not all of the places here in the palace looks the same. In fact, not all of the places here are rooms as I have seen so far. There are some open spaces here which are not rooms. The Gallery of Diana was built to serve as a promenade for the queen. Naturally over the years the hall was decorated with paintings to how it is right now. The Gallery of Diana is so called because it features the goddess Diana in it. The gallery itself is somehow off limits to visitors. You can still have a look at it from one end. You can see a large globe also on display here.

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