Going to Place Stanislas

Entering the Place Stanislas

Entering the Place Stanislas

The city of Nancy has this aura of sophistication about it. There were sculptures along the way. There was a triumphal arch going to the inner city. This was because the former king of Poland Stanislaus was exiled and found his way in Nancy where we was in charge of the area. As any king or former king would do, they would renovate the place to meet their very high standards as a result, Nancy experienced a period of boom mostly related to building Place Stanislas. It wasn’t just the square but also the periphery of the square which was upgraded and you can still see it now.

Closer Look at the Gates of Place Stanislas

Closer Look at the Gates of Place Stanislas

Just before entering the square there are gates. These don’t look like any ordinary gates as these look like the are highlighted with gold. I don’t know if these actual gold but the color really stands out. The look of these gates gives you the impression that there is someone important here. As far as the former king of Poland is concerned, he is still important, which is why he built all these. Passing through the gates makes it look like you are entering a very rich person’s house. Seeing as how the square is quite large, it would seem to imply that this person is very rich.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/PlaceStanislas.kmz} zoom=19]