Going Around Nancy

Triumphal Arch in Nancy

Triumphal Arch in Nancy

Nancy is one of the largest cities in the region of Lorraine in France. I have never heard of this place until I decided to pay it a visit. There is a UNESCO World heritage site here in Nancy and I was hoping to see it. As I stepped outside the Gare de Nancy, I noticed that there seemed to be sculptures here which I never noticed in Strasbourg. I thought that the feel of this city is a little different and almost sophisticated. Not too far from where I was, I saw a triumphal arch which is usually the entrance to what was the old city. Nancy, naturally, has outgrown the old city but the triumphal arch remains.

One of the Triumphal Arches of Nancy

One of the Triumphal Arches of Nancy

The arch is a reminder of the importance of this area. As I could see from the streets, the place seems to feel more expensive. This is owing to its history of Nancy. Even back then, politics was complicated. The rulers of the kingdoms were all related, if only to keep the peace. In this case, the king of Poland was exiled and eventually found his way here in Nancy where he was given a position. While he was here, he set out to beautify Nancy that explains why Nancy feels almost like a royal city.

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