Basilica of Saint-Remi at Night

Basilica of Saint-Remi at Night

Basilica of Saint-Remi at Night

I went back to town first to have a nice dinner, then probably just go around taking photos of the city. However, I seemed to have enjoyed dinner at Le Flechambault a little too much. By the time I was finished eating. It was already eight thirty. I did leave a little later since I rested a bit after going around the Reims city center with my backpack. By this time, the Basilica of Saint-Remi is illuminated as most large churches tend to be. Although the basilica is certainly lovely, illuminating such a huge church is not an easy task. The parts at the top could hardly be seen. This is the case with very large structures, in the end they tend to look eerie at night.

Side Entrance of the Basilica of Saint-Remi at Night

Side Entrance of the Basilica of Saint-Remi at Night

The side of the basilica is also illuminated but that was about it. I thought that I should try to make a run for the city center but I read the bus schedule and it seems that the last trip for bus 6 would be arriving soon. This is the same bus I would take to go to the hotel. It seems that I would have to postpone my visit of downtown for now. Besides, I’m tired. I have seen three UNESCO World Heritage sites in one afternoon while carrying my backpack. I think I deserve some rest.

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