Hiking from Luke’s Bridge

Benbulben Mountain at County Sligo

Benbulben Mountain at County Sligo

I managed to find this place called Luke’s Bridge which turned out to be an uninteresting bridge. If there was something interesting about it, I didn’t find it. However, I did realize that Luke’s Bridge seems to be the jumping off point for some interesting hikes. There are a few mountains in the area and it seems that Luke’s Bridge is the perfect place to start. Parking can be a problem here since there isn’t any real parking area here. You can also drive across the bridge until you hit another place where you can leave your vehicle. It isn’t that far but if you want to save that extra walking, there is that option.

Hiking by the Stream

Hiking by the Stream

I noticed that there were a lot of people hiking here. Some were already coming back, others were just leaving. I decided to follow them to find out what is so nice about this place. I can see that the general area is quite flat which makes it great for beginners. That is until you reach the mountains at the very end. I don’t intend to climb today but I would like to see how far I could go. I still haven’t bought replacement hiking shoes since the last pair broke. I was just using running shoes, so I don’t think they would work very well, or worse, I could ruin them. The weather was actually quite warm and the sun was actually threatening to come out. I thought that I was in really bad shape since I was already panting from this walk.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/Luke’sBridge.kmz} zoom=19]