Other Features at the Drombeg Stone Circle

Fulacht fiadh at the Drombeg Stone Circle

Fulacht fiadh at the Drombeg Stone Circle

For me stone circles are a mixed bag. On one hand, they are very fascinating, on the other hand, they don’t really do much. The rest of your visit is just left to your imagination. In some cases, there would be other things would be found near the site. Drombeg Stone Circle happens to have other stuff nearby which were excavated very near the stone circle. It is a surprise to me to know that people lived right next to the stone circle. For the stone circles that I have been to, they are usually just all by themselves. I would imagine that people would travel there just to perform their rituals. But apparently, there were people who lived here right next to it.

More Structures at the Drombeg Stone Circle

More Structures at the Drombeg Stone Circle

Not too far from the stone circle is the remains of the old huts. Actually, it is very difficult to tell what it originally way. To me, it looked more like a smaller stone circle. Anyway, archeologists figured out that it was a hut which meant that people lived here. Not far from the hut is what is called a “fulacht fiadh”. I found different definitions for this but one thing in common is the cooking pit that is found in the middle. This is a rectangular pit which is supposedly used to cook food. The idea was that people back then would heat rocks and then use that to boil water, which is then used to cook food. Apparently, it does work, as it has been replicated by archeologists.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/DrombegStoneCircle.kmz} zoom=19]