Exploring Drombeg Stone Circle

Remains of an Old Hut at Drombeg Stone Circle

Remains of an Old Hut at Drombeg Stone Circle

I have been to a couple of stone circles here in Ireland, including one not that far from here in neighboring county Kerry. I find them immensely fascinating probably because of the mysticism that surrounds them. Add the fact that a lot of what we know about these stone circles are mostly derived from conclusions made by archeologists. The Drombeg Stone Circle is probably one of the most well known of the stone circles found in this area. In fact, this part of Cork is known to have the highest concentrations of stone circles in the country and Drombeg is right in the middle of it. If you are into archeology, it would be worth visiting the numerous stone circles that are within the vicinity of the one at Drombeg.

More Remains at Drombeg Stone Circle

More Remains at Drombeg Stone Circle

Upon entering the Drombeg Stone Circle site, you would be met with a grass field and the stone circle in plain view. I thought it was a bit strange to build the circle here since this area isn’t that flat but maybe the criteria for building one is probably just “flat enough”. There are seventeen stones in total, including one which seems to be lying on its side, almost like an altar stone. The stone has two portal stones on the opposite side of the circle pointing to the sun during winter solstice. The stone circle itself is very much intact and one would be free to enter the circle whenever they want. Sometimes I wonder if people would be mysteriously transported to another world by standing in the center of the stone circle. It didn’t happen to me, I think.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/DrombegStoneCircle.kmz} zoom=19]