Scenery at Ards Friary

Beach at Ards Friary

Beach at Ards Friary

Ards Friary is a retreat and conference center hidden within county Donegal. It is located in a beautiful part of the country facing an inlet. This makes for the perfect place to conduct retreats and conferences. For now, the retreats part of the center is closed because of the pandemic so people can only come here for walks. A lot of times, you don’t have to go on a retreat to enjoy this place. In fact, most people would probably come here just for the scenery. There is a walking path beside the water which leads you around the center. I decided to take the one which leads behind the friary.

Grasslands at Ards Friary

Grasslands at Ards Friary

The path follows the shoreline and although it initially starts elevated, it would gradually come down until you are close enough to the water. There are a couple of sandy beaches here, though the more spectacular one would be further down the trail. Along the way, you can also see some farmlands which has some beautiful grassy slopes which make you think that it would serve as a great wallpaper for your computer desktop. I have been to this trail before and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The trail isn’t difficult at all and it is great for people of all ages. The trail does turn rough after the friary, you would know when you are there when you run out of pavement to walk on. From that point on, I think it would be better to have proper hiking shoes to walk these parts of the park.

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