View of Horn Head

View of Horn Head

View of Horn Head

I managed to go down to the cliff edge for some spectacular sights at Horn Head. I didn’t really do much hiking as I was only after some photos of the cliff edge. I was glad that I made it down there without incident. After all, if something were to happen to me, no one would even know. There would probably a a handful blog readers who would wonder what happened to the blog (Sorry Mom!). It was a bit of a challenge to leave the car park as there was a large camper van parked right next to me. The last thing I would want if for me to miscalculate and drive the car off the road. Fortunately, the road was just wide enough for me to get out and continue on.

Empty Road at the Horn Head Viewpoint

Empty Road at the Horn Head Viewpoint

Instead of heading back the way I came, I decided to take a detour. I saw a road which goes around the the mountain into seemingly in the middle of nowhere. I would pass through some farmland but it still looked like I was on the map. Little did I know that this would lead me to one the view point for Horn Head. I had no idea of this spot and it seemed to be the best spot to take photos of Horn Head. You can clearly see the land that got carve and formed the amazing cliffs that I see now. There is a good sized parking area here so there is no danger of not finding a place to leave your car. Additionally, it doesn’t seem to be as well known as Horn Head itself. So you would be surprised to find yourself alone at this great spot. I spent some time just chilling out in the car while having a great view of Horn Head at the same time.

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