Horn Head

Closer Look at the Cliffs at Horn Head

Closer Look at the Cliffs at Horn Head

It seems that I was very fortunate to be blessed with good weather that day I went to Horn Head. I have come to the realization that as long as it is not raining, then it should be good enough to go for a long drive. I gave up trying to wait for the perfect day to do that since it really is that infrequent to get a perfect day in Ireland. I think that as long as I managed to get some blue skies I would be happy with what I was given. This day seems to be one of those days where I would get some periods of blue sky. I don’t think it would last though, I learned that the weather changes so quickly here that your sunny day would be gone in a matter of minutes.

Ruined Structure at Horn Head

Ruined Structure at Horn Head

I only visited a small part of Horn Head. In fact, I only followed some people down to a spot where you get can great shots of the cliffs below. From a previous visit, I knew that there is the ruins of an old house, not too far from the car park. I don’t think the view was that interesting though, which is why I decided to go down closer to the cliffs. At another end of the cliffs is another structure but that was is much further and I didn’t plan on doing a lot of hiking today what with my footwear which is totally unsuitable for hiking. On my way back I tried a different path to the car park but I eventually got my shoes and feet wet because of some boggy ground. I quickly gave up that idea knowing that the path ahead could be even boggier. I head back to my original trail and made it back to the car.

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