Going to Horn Head

Sheer Cliffs at Horn Head

Sheer Cliffs at Horn Head

I was making the most of the loosened pandemic restrictions and trying to go out as much as I can, safely of course. One of the first places that I visited in Ireland is Horn Head. I was barely a week in and I was whisked away to go hiking. I didn’t have proper footwear so it was a struggle for me. I probably would have struggled anyway since it was terrain that I was used to. Now that the pandemic restrictions have been lifted, I thought to visit it again. I don’t think I would be doing full blown hiking but at least have a look around on my own time. Horn Head was my first encounter with sea cliffs and I never knew how amazing they were. While I don’t think I have a morbid fear of heights, looking down from the top can still give me jitters.

Rugged Coastline at Horn Head

Rugged Coastline at Horn Head

Horn Head doesn’t exactly have the most spacious parking. In fact, it would probably take only a handful of vehicles to fill up the parking. What’s more, there would be large camper vans that would park here and make it incredibly difficult to park. By the time I got there, there already several vehicles in the car park. I managed to squeeze in between two vehicles and soon as I on my way. I had difficulty finding the trail here as from what I recall from my last visited, we ended making our own trail. You can probably make out some trails here but it is very easy to lose them. I ended up heading towards some photographers who were on the very edge of the cliff. I’m hoping I would be able to make it there in one piece.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/HornHead.kmz} zoom=19]