Mass Rock at Doon Well

Closer Look at the Mass Rock

Closer Look at the Mass Rock

Back then Catholicism was banned in Ireland. This was a time of hardship for the Irish but that didn’t stop them from practicing their faith. Since people are not allowed to go to churches, people had to do with makeshift churches. The Mass Rock is rock where people would gather to celebrate Holy Mass. You can appreciate the strength of the faith of the people make do with a simple rock to worship. Doon Well and Doon Rock is revered place for the people of Donegal. This is where the O’Donnell chieftains were ordained. Thus is it not surprising that they chose this place to celebrate Mass.

Mass Rock at Doon Well

Mass Rock at Doon Well

The Mass Rock at Doon Well is on the opposite side of the hill where the Doon Well is. There is a nice paved path to the Mass Rock, which unsurprisingly is very ordinary. The Mass Rock is just a modest stone pedestal where people would gather. There are a few plastic bottles here probably to hold flowers and some prayer cards held down by stone. It really is remarkable in its unremarkable-ness. Of course, what I am seeing now it already fixed up for visitor. I wouldn’t be as nice back then. Looking at the countryside nearby you can see how remote this place is. It is a wonder that people would come here of all places for their worship.

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