Rocks at the Secret Waterfall

Exposed Layers of Rock on the Way to the Secret Waterfall

Exposed Layers of Rock on the Way to the Secret Waterfall

While the beach is nice enough here on the way to the secret waterfall, I think the rocks here steal the show. I notice that the walls which are behind the beach are rather unusual. There are numerous layers of rock which have been eroded away and are exposed for us to see. These are basically sandstone interspersed with mudstone. The rock is exposed which reveal the layers in exquisite detail. I thought that this has got to be a geologist’s dream to see these rocks so accessible. I’m no geologist so I don’t really know the value of these types of rocks but I could just imagine how you can try to crack open one of these rocks and reveal some sort of fossil embedded in the rock.

Cave Like Structure on the way to the Secret Waterfall

Cave Like Structure on the way to the Secret Waterfall

However, this is not the time for that. I can see that most of the walls here along the beach have these kinds of layered rock structure. I have a feeling that the this is not unique to just this area but it should also be found elsewhere. This gave me ideas on visiting nearby areas. The rocks get more impressive as the trail continues. Unfortunately, it seems like the tide has started to come in so there were parts of the trail where which are rather slippery. Going barefoot seems to make it a little easier to trek but there is still that risk of slipping. There are parts where water has already started to come in and I needed to get my feet wet. While it wasn’t that deep, it could become problematic for little kids. This is made even worse by the fact that the stones can be slippery, so I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to carry kids and make your way to the waterfall. My advice is that if you are going to bring kids, to make sure that they can look after themselves.

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