Mausoleum at the Marinid Tombs

Marinid Tombs

Marinid Tombs

It is unfortunate that there is no information about the Marinid Tombs here at the site itself. It would be nice to have something here to inform visitors of what it is they are seeing. The Marinid Tombs were built to house the remains of the rulers of Fès during the Marinid dynasty. Lately, it has become popular for sunset viewing as well as looking at the city of Fès. The site actually has two mausoleums. Both are in various states of disrepair. However, if you look closer particularly to near the top, you can see indications of its former grandeur. Some historians even describe it as being lavishly decorated, probably not surprising since these are royalty buried here.

Remains of the Marinid Tombs

Remains of the Marinid Tombs

These days the tombs are in a ruined state with one side of the mausoleums totally open. You can actually see some bits of rubbish inside, which is sad considering this is a heritage site. It is also not nice to see this since it is also someones tomb. I would probably not mess around in a place which I know is a tomb. Unsurprisingly, there are also a few hawkers here. They know that this place is a place where tourists visit so they come here to take a chance to see if anyone would be interests in their wares. There was one in particular selling sweaters. I don’t think I would come all the way here to buy a sweater, if ever, I would buy one in the medina.

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