Fès at Night

Blue Gate at Night

Blue Gate at Night

It was only my first night in Fès and I think have already seen a lot. The medina itself is overwhelmingly huge and I have to go out of the medina just to get some fresher air. It is still bus in Fès even at night so the fun doesn’t stop. A lot of the shops would start to close by this time but you would still see some shops open here. Curiously, some of the snack shops continue to be open presumably to get rid of their stuff. I just came from dinner at Nagham Cafe and I wasn’t really in the mood for getting more snacks.

Late Night Snacks in Fès

Late Night Snacks in Fès

The Blue gate was brilliantly lit up and I was taking photos of it when someone called me. I would have tended to ignore people who would call out to me since I’m pretty sure I don’t know anyone in the country. Turns out it was one of the touts who were calling me and they told me to take a photo of them with the Blue Gate. I obliged but I knew that the photo woulndn’t have been any good without a flash. He turned out to be dark against the brilliantly lit Blue Gate. Oh yeah. I guess this shows how friendly the Moroccan people are. Sometimes they can be overly friendly that you would start to doubt their intentions. There would always be the one who would want to get money out of you but I think those would be more obvious. It is nice to know what there are still places where people don’t really care much about money.

[xmlgm {http://www.worldwanderings.net/kml/FèsMedina.kmz} zoom=19]